{Friday Find} I Have Been Looking For You

As part of our Wedding Words We Love we are sharing some amazing signs

and this one is a keeper love It!



We found this beauty on  Pinterest, don’t worry we  pinned it to our account so feel free to use the link above to see it our use the link below to check out the esty page for more color option and to get your own adorable sign.


Be Marry, 


{Tuesday Tip} Find a Dress for Less!

Never miss an Exclusive Sale!

We love a sale just as much (if not more) than the next person so we want to share a fabulous opportunity to get your hands on an amazing bridal dress at a fraction of the price.

Exclusive Bridal Dress Sale


Creative Coordinators will be partnering with VIP Events to co-host an Exclusive Bridal Dress Sale on Saturday October 19th, 2013 from 10am till 2pm.

This event will take place at VIP Events in Canyon Lake:  ​31568 Railroad Canyon Suite #100, Canyon Lake, CA. This is your chance to pick up a dress at a fraction of the retail price and meet some amazing local wedding professionals.

There will be bridesmaid dresses as well as bridal gowns and they are going to be at amazing prices so don’t miss out on this chance to get you hands on a fabulous dress for less!

Dresses will start at $40 for some wedding worthy bridesmaid dresses and bridal gown will be starting at under $199!  What a steal for WToo, Moonlight Bridal and many other name brand dresses for up to 50% off the retail.

This is a one day exclusive sale and space is limited so sign up today. Use the link below to sign up and let us know what time you want to set up your special fitting, call VIP Events at (951)244-8769 to reserve your spot or feel free to sign up and stop by when the event starts at 10am to check out the full range of dresses available.



We look forward to seeing you all at this amazing dress sale on October 19th, 2013 and hope to hear you say yes to the dress!


Be Marry,


{Tuesday Tip} Follow the Signs!

We love fun, creative and custom signs at weddings. No matter if you make the signs, buy them or customize what you already have signs are a fabulous way to add a personal touch to any wedding festivity from the engagement party to the big day. We love signs so much that we will be showcasing some of our favorite signs we have stumbles across over the years all month long. Starting off with the sign that started it all and has been used over and over again and still one of our best ideas for a sign.


We created this sign for a wedding to not only direct the bride and bridal party to the correct location to get ready but to keep any onlookers out while the bride was getting ready. We found that the sign was so helpful that we often take it with us to use at all of the weddings we assist with. It often makes an appearance in wedding photos. So if you take the time to incorporate a fabulous sign make sure to tell you wedding photographer so they can catch a few photos of it in action.IMG_1160IMG_1164

What is your favorite wedding sign? You can share it with us over on Pinterest or Facebook or if you want your fabulous sign showcased on our blog you can email it to us directly at: ccwedblog@creativecoordinators.com

Be Marry,